Cross-platform MIDI and audio LAN solution for Macs and PCs.VSL Vienna Ensemble PRO 5's Preserve feature maintains all of your templates and samples in their loaded states while you switch between projects. VSL Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 gives you full ITU surround support (up to 7.1) with integrated plug-ins for balancing surround-to-surround and mono/stereo-to-surround, letting you easily weave intensely lush surround soundscapes.

83 musicians strong, this incredible virtual symphony orchestra contains over 9GB of meticulously recorded samples, in stunning 24-bit quality. You get the marvelous Epic Orchestra Pack, in all its glory.

VSL has included a big bonus along with Vienna Ensemble PRO 5.

Vienna Ensemble Pro Alternatives Bonus: Epic Orchestra Pack Instantiating Vienna MIR PRO on any channel of Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 will route that channel's signal to MIR, which can run on the same computer or another that's connected via Ethernet. VSL Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 gives you full integration with Vienna MIR PRO (installed with Vienna Ensemble PRO 5, license available separately), which can be opened from within Vienna Ensemble PRO 5. Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 Review VSL Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 at a Glance: Either way, all you need are simple Ethernet cables - no additional hardware required! If your virtual studio is getting out-of-control, VSL's Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 is the powerful, smart solution. Shuttle the audio streams from your Macs or PCs back to your main computer, or use it in a master/slave configuration with multiple computers connected through Ethernet. Deploy Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 as a host on your DAW machine to coordinate your Vienna Instruments and third-party 64- and 32-bit VSTi/AU plug-ins. VSL Vienna Ensemble PRO 5 is your total cross-platform MIDI and audio LAN solution. The Ensemble Pro application is the host, and this can be used as a stand‑alone audio and MIDI application, just like any other host. Ensemble Pro comprises three main parts: the Ensemble Pro application itself, the server, and a plug‑in.Vienna Symphonic Library Complete 145GB Torrent - Compartido por Jorge Luis The Vienna Symphonic Library (VSL) is a producer of samples of orchestral instruments recorded by members of the Vienna Philharmonic.More Vienna Ensemble Pro available on the site. Come and experience your torrent treasure chest right here. Download Vienna Ensemble Pro Fast and for Free.Contact your Sweetwater Sales Engineer if you have questions. NOTE: This product requires a Vienna Key (not included) to operate. Juice Your Creativity and Streamline Your Workflow Vienna Ensemble PRO is the ultimate symbiosis of systems and workflows, providing cross-platform MIDI and audio hosting over LAN, mixing in stereo and surround (up to 7.1) with full parameter automation and optional one-click integration of Vienna MIR PRO.